Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Long Will I Need Treatment?

Each patient has unique treatment needs. Dr. Bonn understands that patients do not have unlimited time or money, and he works with patients to approach the duration and frequency of treatment with this in mind. Dr. Bonn is result-oriented. Excellent, efficient, cost effective treatment is of utmost importance to Dr. Bonn.

How Much Will Treatment Cost?

Dr. Bonn cannot predict in advance what frequency or duration of treatment is optimal, because each patient is unique. Dr. Bonn’s experience and outlook allow him to treat patients effectively and efficiently.

By visiting Dr. Bonn, no patient is committing to more than one appointment at a time. Dr. Bonn is happy to discuss his fees with you in advance of your session.  Please note that he does not accept Medicare or any other insurance program.

Does Dr. Bonn accept insurance?

I do not accept Medicare or any other insurance program.

Does Dr. Bonn accept credit cards?

No, Dr. Bonn accepts payment in the form of check.

When does Dr. Bonn have appointment hours?

Dr. Bonn schedules patient hours, generally, at these times:

  • Mondays & Thursdays:
    approximately 7:30 am through the late evening
  • Tuesdays & Fridays:
    approximately 7:30 am through afternoon
  • Wednesdays & Weekends:
    there are no regular office hours.

May a patient be accompanied by another person in a session?

Yes. Often people feel more comfortable at the start of treatment when they are in the presence of a person who is close to him or her.

What are Dr. Bonn's practice policies?

Click Here to see all the details of Dr. Bonn’s practice.